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Certified Patent Practitioner

Commitment to patent preparation and prosecution excellence.

National Credential for the Patent Industry

The Certified Patent Practitioner (CPP) credential is a professional designation that distinguishes those who have demonstrated experience, proficiency, knowledge, and understanding of patent drafting and prosecution through involvement in the patent preparation and prosecution processes.

Next CPP Exam Date: October 25, 2024*

*Introductory exam fee of $297 for first 100 registrants.

Standard exam fee: $499

With the CPP credential, we are raising the industry standards for the patent practitioner.
Our vision

Professional Credential and Standards
For The Patent Industry

All patent lawyers, patent agents, technical specialists, patent engineers, and other patent industry professionals are welcome to apply.


Our mission is to assist and serve the public by establishing certification standards for patent professionals.


The CPP credential distinguishes those who have demonstrated knowledge and proficiency of patent claims drafting and prosecution, and protecting the intellectual property of patent stakeholders according to the guidelines of the USPTO.

Exam & Eligibility

The 8-hour CPP examination is designed to measure skill and knowledge for an individual who has less than 5 years of patent preparation and prosecution experience and is currently employed or seeking employment in the preparation and prosecution fields.

Exam Prep Course

Prepare for the CPP examination with a live, 8-day preparation course hosted by the Patent Institute of Training.


The following minimum qualifications are required for consideration to waive in as a Certified Patent Practitioner. Otherwise, aspiring CPPs must take the CPP Qualifying Exam.


Practiced continuously for 5 years within the previous 10 year period or as in-house counsel with the primary role of overseeing patent prosecution, development, licensing, sales and/or acquisitions.

Drafted 50+ patent applications.
Drafted 50+ office action responses.


Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited university.

Complete at least 6 patent specific CLEs per year (a minimum of 4 CLEs/year provided by NCPP at no cost).


Member in good standing of the Patent Bar of the United States and have received no disciplinary action.

CPP credential holders agree to adhere to strict ethics and a code of conduct.

Answers to the most common CPP questions

To sit for the CPP certification examination, the candidate must have received a Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited university. On the application, candidates must list education completed in order, starting with the Bachelor’s degree. Additional degrees may be added as appropriate. Applications will be randomly selected for auditing. If audited, the candidate is responsible for submitting proof of education. Proof of education may be an original or copy of an official transcript or diploma from the academic institution where the Bachelor’s degree (or higher) was achieved. The candidate should provide any relevant work experience. For example, the number of years practicing (if applicable), the number of patents drafted/prosecuted, any formalized education related to patent drafting/prosecution. The candidate must provide three professional references who can attest to the candidate’s education and experience. If audited, the candidate authorizes the references listed in the professional reference section to provide NCPP, Inc., with information substantiating the candidate’s current and/or previous education, employment, and experience.

The exam is slated for October 25, 2024. Candidates must register here

The Patent Institute of Training will host an 8-day CPP exam preparatory course. However, it should be noted that this does not have to be a candidate’s primary test preparation to complete the CPP exam. Some candidates receive on-the-job experience and will be able to pass the exam based on that experience. Other candidates should seek a formal patent training program to understand the intricacies of patent drafting.

For more information, please consult the CPP Handbook and Study Guide.

CPP Exam is a fully virtual exam and can be taken from your computer.

  • Be a member in good standing of the Patent Bar of the United States and have received no disciplinary actions.
  • Have practiced continuously for 5 years within the previous 10 year period, or as in-house counsel with the primary role of overseeing patent prosecution, development, licensing, sales and/or acquisitions.
  • Have drafted 50+ patent applications.
  • Have drafted 50+ office action responses.
  • Submit a reference or receive a referral from another CPP that attests to the same.
  • Sign affidavit/declaration

For waive-in consideration, please register here.

Yes. Certified Patent Practitioners (CPPs) must maintain 6 patent-specific CLE credit hours per year. NCPP will host several patent-specific CLE courses per year to assist members in maintaining their credential. However, members may apply other patent-specific CLE’s, used to satisfy state bar requirements, to maintain their CPP credential. These CLE’s will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if they can count towards the CPP credential. Upcoming CLE topics to be hosted by NCPP include:
  • Patent Quality – What does it mean to different entities? (Corporations, USPTO, Private Practice)
  • Leveraging Big Data to Mitigate Alice Rejections
  • Developing a Patent Portfolio Consistent with Your Corporate Strategy
  • Recruiting & Hiring Knowledgeable Patent Practitioners
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Matthew Johnson
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Luis Carloz
"Malesuada nibh eu sed elit purus, sit sem molestie enim, egestas aliquet etiam donec tristique nec."
Alice Miles
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